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Develop shared information and awareness tools about invasie exotic species

Context and project description

There is a lot of information regarding invasive exotic species. As well, many groups involved in the field raise awareness among the public and users of the St. Lawrence in their respective sectors. Active awareness is the best means of limiting the voluntary or accidental introduction of exotic species that are likely to have negative effects on the environment, the economy or society. In effect, it is through awareness activities regarding the risks associated with the introduction of invasive exotic species that the various users of the St. Lawrence will learn about the possible negative impacts associated with this problem. Informed of the resulting risks, users will become more vigilant and will be more likely to adopt best practices regarding navigation.

For more efficiency, those in charge of this project have undertaken to pool information tools and various existing awareness initiatives regarding invasive exotic species. They have also agreed to develop new tools and to harmonize approaches and the messages conveyed. The project involves all administrative regions and all cooperation areas.


In addition to this harmonization of approaches and messages, an awareness document as well as a poster on invasive exotic species in freshwater and radio capsules have been prepared and widely distributed. Tools are developed based on an evaluation of the limits of existing material.

The new tools include a poster on cleaning boats, which will be installed at freshwater piers, as well as a video capsule on cleaning boats as a way to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive exotic species. The capsule, entitled "Invasive exotic species: 5 steps to protect your lake", contains information on aquatic invasive exotic species, how they spread and steps to properly decontaminate your boat.

Watch the capsule.

In the new issue of River Action geared toward young people aged 10 to 14, Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Biosphere has included a number of awareness-raising vignettes on invasive exotic species to teach its young visitors how to recognize them and take action to prevent their propagation.

Download the River Action magazine PDF or consult the HTML version.

Participating departments

Government of Canada

  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada

Government of Quebec

  • Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques
  • Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs