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Ensuring Sustainable Use

Whether in the areas of sustainable management of fishery resources, the maintenance and promotion of public access points to the St. Lawrence, sustainable commercial navigation and recreational boating practices or adequate water flows to maintain the health of ecosystems, the governments of Canada and Quebec are working together to provide for the sustainable use of the St. Lawrence.

Their activities in this regard are guided by five orientations, each associated with specific objectives and projects.

Here are the five orientations:

To complement the work being undertaken by governments, non-governmental organizations and non-profit organizations are encouraged to take action by presenting a project supported by their community under the Community Interaction Program.

[Translate to English:] Petit port le long du Saint-Laurent avec canards

1st Orientation: Sustainable management of fishery resources

Sustainable use is dependant on the sustainable management of aquatic species subject to fishery. In this context, it is specifically important to take stock of existing knowledge on these species and to establish mechanisms for distributing and sharing information.

See Projects

2nd Orientation: Promote sustainable management of water levels and flows

In order to maintain the ecosystems in a good state, an adequat water supply is important. Such is the case to ensure the continuation of recreational, municipal and industrial activities who are taking place on the St. Lawrence river. Water levels must be evaluate based on the current climate changes and the ones to come.

See Projects

3rd Orientation: Maintain and promote sustainable navigation

Making commercial navigation and recreational boating sustainable is essential to protecting the St. Lawrence’s ecosystems. To this end, the St. Lawrence Action Plan supports cooperation among the various stakeholders by creating ways to promote exchanges and discussions and by publishing awareness tools for users.

See Projects

4th Orientation: Identify and promote public access points

Urban development, artificial shoreline development, and the degradation of aquatic and river habitats have resulted in the loss of several uses of the St. Lawrence River. Some recreational and public uses, as well as the quality of life for shoreline residents, are especially jeopardized by the degradation of the water and natural environments, by conflicts between users and by riverbank erosion. Sustainable use depends in part on the maintenance and development of environmentally responsible and ecosystem-friendly ways for the public to access to the St. Lawrence.

See Projects

5th Orientation: Improve knowledge related to hydrocarbons in the St. Lawrence System

The St. Lawrence river system is a busy seaway where petroleum hydrocarbons transit in significant quantities. In order to better manage the environmental risks associated with the marine transportation of hydrocarbons on the St. Lawrence, increased knowledge of maritime incidents, their possible impacts on aquatic ecosystems, and the best practices to be adopted is necessary to prevent and mitigate these impacts.

See Projects