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Climate change

Climate change, by disrupting the natural order, could have profound consequences on biodiversity, both in terms of species and their habitats

Projects 2011-2016

Assess the impact of climate change on high marshes in the freshwater estuary and develop strategies for protecting species in precarious situations

The marshes in the Québec City region shelter some 20 or more species in precarious situations and potentially threatened by climate change. An assessment of the impact of climate change (rising salt water, ice movement, sediment dynamics, etc.) on the risk of submersion and erosion of these marshes will enable the definition of strategies targeting conservation of these species.

Read the backgrounder for this project.

Analyze the outcomes identified using existing indicators and develop new indicators for the impact of climate change on ecosystems

The impact of climate change on biodiversity is likely to become more serious in the years to come. Development of digital models that take into account the direct effects of climate change on water levels, velocities and temperatures combined with animal and plant models will assist in determining the long-term effects and scope of the impact of climate change on biodiversity.

Read the backgrounder for this project.