The 7th edition of the St. Lawrence Forum: a successful event

- Categories:
- Water Quality
- Uses
- Biodiversity
The Forum included interesting webinars and workshops focused on the main priority issues of the St. Lawrence Action Plan: biodiversity, sustainability of uses and water quality. During the three half-days of the virtual Forum, experts and guests showed presentations on SLAP projects, new practices, tools, and applications developed to support decision making with a scientific approach.
The participants have appreciated the aspects of knowledge sharing and discussions with the presenters. The various fields of interest, such as the one on the place of indigenous communities in decision-making presented by Aurélie Sierra, or the one by Bruno Drolet on the Pineshîsh-Piyaasiis project regarding the contribution of indigenous peoples to the effective monitoring of boreal birds, got the attention of the participants.
Among the testimonies from the post-forum survey, participants have mentioned the excellent themes and the proposed diffusion method as they all have appreciated the variety of presenters and experts who show joint efforts to conserve and protect the St. Lawrence.