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2021 St. Lawrence Forum

Event summary

The seventh edition of the St. Lawrence Forum Under the theme “science at the service of decision-makers” was held on May 11, 13 and 18, 2021 in the afternoon. More than 230 people from different sectors of activity participated in this virtual event, for an average of 140 participants per day.

The 2021 edition of the Forum aimed to inform St. Lawrence decision-makers about the scientific tools available and to discuss on their needs. Each presentation focussed on one of the three main priorities of the St. Lawrence Action Plan: improvement of water quality, protection of biodiversity and sustainable use, for which several conferences and workshops were held. Thus, this Forum was an opportunity to:

  • Learn more about the tools and results of the St. Lawrence Action Plan 2016-2021 projects;
  • Discover new practices, tools and applications for science to support decision making;
  • To be inspired by new approaches in the fields of economy, environment and sociology;
  • Discuss with co-leaders on the projects of the St. Lawrence Action Plan 2021-2026.

In this edition, participants have much appreciated the group discussions on SLAP's priority issues. As they discovered new practices, tools and applications, they will be able to use this knowledge at work next year. We hope to have as many attendees for the next edition of the St. Lawrence Forum.

See event calendar including presentations and biographies in the page Forum Saint-Laurent 2021 ( in French only).