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Forum on the Saint-Laurent 2024

Summary of the event

The eighth edition of the Forum on the St. Lawrence, on the theme of "Stakeholder involvement in the sustainable management of the St. Lawrence River", will be held in person on October 15th and 16th, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Quebec City.

The 2024 edition of the Forum aims to disseminate knowledge on the various challenges facing the St. Lawrence, and to share solutions and tools for tackling certain St. Lawrence issues from a sustainable development perspective. It is also an opportunity to publicize the work of the regional roundtables (TCR) network, and to offer networking opportunities between St. Lawrence stakeholders.

*All of the presentations and conferences available in PDF are in French only


October 15th and 16th, 2024

Day 1 - October 15th - Welcome

8:30 - 9:00      Registration

9:00 - 9:20

Opening speeches 
Jean Bissonnette  MELCCFP and Véronique Hiriart-Baer, Canada Water Agency, Co-chairmen of the St. Lawrence Action Plan

Day 1 / Block 1 / Environmental issues associated with sustainable development and the St. Lawrence River

9h20 - 9h25Programming overview and introduction to Block 1

9h25 - 10h05

Conference 1 - Strategy and tools for the prevention of aquatic invasive species
Annick Drouin (MELCCFP)
Olivier Liberge and Matys Tessier (OZERO Solutions) 

Conference PDF

Presentation - OZERO PDF

10h05 - 10h30

Conference 2 - Lake Saint-Pierre shoreline monitoring program (part of a St. Lawrence Action Plan project)
Benoît Jobin (ECCC) and Marianne Théberge (MELCCFP)

Conference PDF

10h30 - 10h45 Health break
10h45 - 11h10

Conference 3 - Preparing for marine incidents on the St. Lawrence River
Joannie Ferland (MELCCFP) and Robin Bénard, Marine Incident Risk Management Center (CEGRIM)

Presentation - CEGRIM PDF

11h10 - 11h30

Conference 4 - Together we go far
Léa Carrère, Haut Saint-Laurent ZIP Committee

Presentation - ZIP Haut Saint-Laurent PDF

11h30 - 12h00Panel of questions
12h00 - 13h30 Lunch and booths

Day 1 / Block 2 / Economic issues associated with sustainable development and the St. Lawrence River

13h30 - 13h40Introduction to Block 2
13h40- 14h10

Conference 5 - Environmental certification program for the North American marine industry
Véronique Trudeau, Green Alliance

Presentation - Green Alliance PDF

14h10 - 14h40

Conference 6 - St. Lawrence fish on Quebecers' plates
Sandra Gauthier, Exploramer

Presentation - Exploramer ODF

14h40 - 15h10

Conference 7 - The impact of nitrogen reduction 
Antoine Caron (MELCCFP), Patrice Vachon (MELCCFP) and David Lévesque (MPO)

Conference PDF

15h10 - 15h40

Panel of questions

15h40 - 16h00

Closing the day

Day 2 - October 16th - Welcome

8h30 – 9h00         Registration
9h00 - 9h15Welcome -Opening speeches
Badrane Erhioui,  Canada Water Agency and Chantale Bourgault, MELCCFP, Co-secretaries of the St. Lawrence Action Plan

Day 2 / Block 1 / Regional Round Tables (RRT) and regional integrated management plans (RIMP)

9h15 – 9h20Summary of Day 1er and Introduction to Block 1 



9h20  - 11h30

Conference 8 - Presentation of regional integrated management plans (RIMP) from Regional Round Tables (RRT)

Introducing the RRT network
from upstream to downstream : 


11h30 - 12h00Panel of questions
12h00 - 13h30Lunch and booths

Day 2 / Block 2 / Social issues associated with sustainable development and the St. Lawrence River

13h30 -13h40Introduction to Block 2

13h40 - 14h10     

Conference 14 - Governance and environmental rehabilitation of Lac Saint-Pierre
Julie Ruiz, Université du Québec à Trois Rivières (UQTR)

14h10 - 14h40

Conference 15 - Adaptation of local players
Dominic Lapointe, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

14h40 - 15h10Panel of questions
15h10 - 15h40

Closing conference (including questions)
Lyne Morissette
, M-Expertise Marine

Conference PDF

15h40 - 16h00  

Closing remarks 
Véronique Hiriart-Baer, Canada Water Agency and Jean Bissonnette  MELCCFP, Co-chairmen of the St. Lawrence Action Plan

16h00 - 16h15

Invitation to the survey