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Why and how to use this guide

Riparian Revegetation Project Planning and Submission Guide

Under Community Action Programs for the Environment, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Quebec Region

January 2013

This Guide is also available in PDF format.

1. Why and how to use this guide

1.1 Is the guide intended for you?

This guide is primarily intended for

  •  community environmental groups
  •  riparian landowner associations
  •  riparian organizations
  •  partners

In other words, this guide is addressed to groups eligible for funding for a riparian revegetation project under Environment Canada’s funding programs.1 This guide complementsEnvironment Canada’s official guides.

1.2 Why this guide is useful

This guide is designed to help proponents of revegetationprojects prepare applications for funding. It provides aprocess for preparing a funding application, along with relevant information and references on riparian revegetation projects.

This guide will help proponents

  • Improvethechoiceandqualityoftheinformation they provide in the funding application form
  • Collect and structure relevant information that can contribute to the success of the project
  • Obtain quantifiable environmental benefits directly connected with performance indicators specific to the selected funding program
  • Promote a better match between investment and environmental benefits

1.3 How to use this guide

Section 2 provides a list of the steps involved in preparing a riparian revegetation project. Relevant cross-references found elsewhere in the document are indicated in the right-hand column of the tables in Section 2 below. Readers are therefore advised to read the referenced information in the guide to enhance their understanding. Doing so will ensure you cover all important elements in the funding application form and its appendices.

Less experienced proponents are advised to read through the guide and become familiar with the reference documents listed in Chapter 10. It is recommended that you work through this learning process before preparing your funding application.

1. For further information on Environment and Climate Change Canada’sExternal link funding programs, visit under the Funding tab or contact an officer at 1-800-463-4311.