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Exchange workshop on Lake Saint-Pierre 2019

Under the auspices of the St. Lawrence Action Plan 2016 2021, the second Lac Saint-Pierre Ecosystem Integrity Workshop was held at UQTR on March 7, 2019. Jointly organized by the federal and provincial governments, the workshop brought together the experts working on research and action on Lac Saint-Pierre to take stock of the knowledge acquired and monitoring activities since the 2015 workshop, and to outline current and future actions. More precisely, the workshop had the following objectives:

  • Determine whether any knowledge gaps remain that are holding back from taking action for Lac Saint-Pierre.
  • Update the list of priority actions and interventions to carry out to restore the integrity of the ecosystem of Lac Saint-Pierre.
  • Identify mechanisms that should be put in place to facilitate implementation of the identified actions and interventions.

The discussions revealed a desire among participants to get a better grasp of resistance and social acceptability factors as the key to getting farmers involved in taking action. While there remain certain needs for knowledge acquisition, for example on the synergistic effects of various environmental disruptors, the participants judged that such gaps should not be an obstacle to taking action to obtain sustainable agriculture around Lac Saint-Pierre. Finally, a number of priority actions were targeted, including: to establish a portrait of how the spring flood is managed in the Ottawa River, and to seek a reduction at source of inputs from agriculture in the littoral zone and tributaries.

Lac Saint-Pierre ecosystem integrity workshop report - Long version

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