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Reference documents

St. Lawrence Action Plan documents

  1. Criteria for the Assessment of Sediment Quality in Quebec and Application Frameworks: Prevention, Dredging and Remediation
  2. Guide for physicochemical and toxicological characterization of sediments (PDF / HTML)
  3. Sediment Sampling Guide for Dredging and Marine Engineering Projects in the St. Lawrence River – Volume 1: Planning Guidelines
  4. Sediment Sampling Guide for Dredging and Marine Engineering Projects in the St. Lawrence River – Volume 2: Field Operation Manual
  5. Guide for the Development of Environmental Surveillance and Monitoring Programs for Dredging and Sediment Management Projects ( PDF / HTML )
  6. Ecological Risk Assessment of Open-Water Sediment Disposal to Support the Management of Freshwater Dredging Projects
  7. Recommendations for the Management of Suspended Solids (SS) During Dredging Activities (PDF / HTML)
  8. Assessing sediment toxicity in the upper St. Lawrence estuary (PDF / HTMLExternal link)

Federal documents

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA), Environment Canada (EC), Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)

  1. Selecting and Operating Dredging Equipment: A Guide to Sound Environmental Practices (1993)

Provincial Documents (In French only)

Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques du Québec (MDDELCC), Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec (MFFP)

  1. Directive pour la réalisation d’une étude d’impact sur l’environnement d’un projet de dragage, de creusage ou de remblayage en milieu hydriqueExternal link
  2. Directive pour la réalisation d’une étude d’impact sur l’environnement d’un projet ou d’un programme de creusage ou de dragage d’entretienExternal link
  3. Lignes directrices du MRNF pour la conservation des habitats fauniquesExternal link