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Validate inventories and uses of public access points through the use of land observation technologies

Context and project description

One of the SLAP’s objectives is to promote public access to the banks of the St. Lawrence, both along the river corridor and along the estuary and Gulf. Numerous development and restoration projects for sites and equipment have been carried out over several years with the goal of facilitating this access. A directory of public access to the St. Lawrence has also been created, based on databases and preliminary mapping. However, it will be necessary to update the inventories of access sites and how they are actually used.

To do this, one of the planned means would be to use Earth observation technologies (OT). Remote sensing by satellites is used in an assortment of activity areas. It would likely be useful for achieving the SLAP’s objective of returning use of the banks to the population. This project therefore aims to demonstrate the applicability of OT technologies for validating inventories of bank access sites, as well as their uses and, if possible, the patronage associated with these access points, whether they are embankments or interpretive sites.


In order to enhance and publicize the sites allowing access to the banks of the St. Lawrence River, two major projects have been launched. In the first project, Earth observation technologies (EOTs) were applied to river access sites in the Lake Saint-Louis area and in the Quebec City metropolitan area. Satellite images combined with web-based resources were used to pinpoint the location of the access sites and reduce the amount of fieldwork required.

The second project involved developing a very specific method, referred to as the operational protocol for use of EOTs, in order to update the inventory of sites offering public access to the St. Lawrence. This protocol made it possible to increase the amount of data by 20% to 36%, depending on the sector, in particular by adding sites that had not previously been identified. The project is a good example of how working with EOTs can improve efficiency.

Participating departments

Government of Canada

  • Public Works and Government Services Canada
  • Canadian Space Agency
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Government of Quebec

  • Ministère du Tourisme
  • Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Occupation du territoire
  • Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques