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APPENDIX D - Elements of the Characterization Plan

Table D-1 Examples of Interrelationships among the Assessment Parameter, the Relational Tool, the Measurement Parameters and the Action Thresholds

Verifiable impact hypothesisAssessment parameterMeasurement parameterRelational toolAction threshold
The chemical and physical nature of the deposited dredged materials will allow recolonization of the environment and result in harmful effects for the returning organisms.The chemical and physical nature of the deposited dredged materials creates harmful effects on organisms.Cadmium concentration in the sedimentsMethodology for derivation of criteria for the assessment of sediment quality in Quebec (in EC and MDDEP, 20071)1,7 mg/kg
BaP concentration in the sediments0,15 mg/kg
The contaminants resuspended in the water column during dredging (adsorbed to the sedimentary particles or dissolved) will be absorbed by the organisms in the environment in sufficient quantity to trigger potential chronic effects.The contaminants resuspended in the water column will be present in sufficient concentrations to trigger acute effects on planktonic organisms.Concentration of contaminants in the water columnMethodology for development of surface water quality criteria (in MDDEP, 20072)Criteria for the protection of aquatic life (acute toxicity) for each contaminant.
Elutriation test
Acute toxicity tests on elutriate:
P. subcapitata
D. magna
B. calyciflorus
AucunResponse statistically higher than the detection limit for at least one toxicity test.

1Environnement Canada et ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs (2007). Critères pour l’évaluation de la qualité des sédiments au Québec et cadres d’application : prévention, dragage et restauration. 41 pages.

2MDDEP (2007). Critères de qualité de l’eau de surface au Québec. Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs du Québec, Direction du suivi de l’état de l’environnement ( link)

Table D-2 Example of Interrelationship among a Verifiable Impact Hypothesis, an Assessment Parameter and Measurement Parameters for Monitoring and Surveillance Activities

Verifiable impact hypothesisAssessment parameterMeasurement parameter
Sediments resuspended in the water column during dredging work will reach a spawning site located downstream from the dredging site in sufficient quantity to significantly affect its potential use by some fish species.The sediments resuspended in the water column during dredging work will reach the yellow perch spawning site located 5 km downstream from the dredging site in sufficient quantity to significantly affect the species’ breeding success.At the work site: :
Physical: SPM, turbidity, sediment regime
At the spawning site: 
Physical : SPM, turbidity, clogging of spawning site
Biological: effects of SPM on fry survival

In this example, the assessment parameter represents an operational translation of the verifiable impact hypothesis by targeting a specific spawning site and a specific receptor. The measurement parameters for surveillance are identified at the dredging site and are essentially physical. A relational tool could be used to predict the environmental concentration at the spawning site based on the environmental concentration at the dredging site (“measurement parameter/relational tool” combination). For monitoring purposes, the measurement parameters are obtained at the spawning site and are physical and biological. These measurement parameters allow verification of modeling accuracy.

Tableau D-3 Exemples de paramètres de mesure physiques, chimiques, toxicologiques et biologiques

CategoryMeasurement parameter
  • Bathymetry
  • Sediment grain-size distribution
  • Sonar imaging or any other means of verifying the predictions of the sediment-transport models
  • Qualitative chemical analyses (e.g., Odour, colour) and quantitative of the contaminants
  • Qualitative and quantitative chemical analyses of certain contaminants in environmental components (e.g., residual concentrations in tissues)
  • Analyses of the chemical forms or species present
  • Toxicity of contaminants on the environmental components of the ecosystem assessed by means of laboratory toxicity assays
  • Bioaccumulation in benthic organisms
  • In situ measurements of exoenzymatic activity of the bacterial community
  • Survey of the benthic communities
  • Integrative variables of the effects on the communities
  • Condition index of caged mussels

Table D-4 Criteria or Action Thresholds Linked to Environmental Components

Environmental componentCriteria/action threshold
  • Criteria for the Assessment of Sediment Quality in Quebec and Application Frameworks: Prevention, Dredging and Remediation (EC and MDDEP , 200711)
  • Marine sediment standards and quality criteria defined in National Guidelines for Monitoring Dredged and Excavated Material at Ocean Disposal Sites (Chevrier and Topping, 199812)
  • Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines (CCME, 200313)
  • (
  • Grain-size distribution similar to reference stations
  • Surface water
  • Quebec’s surface water quality criteria (MDDEP;
  • Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines (CCME, 2003)
  • (
  • Percentage increase in relation to reference stations
  • Groundwater
  • Criteria applicable to groundwater of the Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Rehabilitation Policy (MENV, 199914) (
  • Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines (CCME, 2003)
  • (
  • Drinking water
  • Drinking water/raw water standard (R.R.Q., 1981, c.Q-2, r.4015)
  • Technological constraints of the filtration station
  • Fauna/vegetation
  • Diversity/abundance in relation to reference stations or initial state
  • Habitat function (breeding, feeding, etc.)
  • Toxicity in relation to reference stations
  • Bioaccumulation in relation to reference stations
  • Air
  • Ambient Air Standards (R.R.Q., 1981, c.Q-2, r.3816)
  • Air Quality Criteria (MENV, 200217)
  • Soil
  • Standards of the Land Protection and Rehabilitation Regulation (R.R.Q., 1981, c.Q-2, r.3718)
  • Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines (CCME, 2003)
  • (
  • Work environment
  • Standards/exposure doses (Regulation respecting the quality of the work environment, R.R.Q., c.S-2.1, r.1119)
  • Noise environment
  • Maximum noise levels depending on zoning
  • Aqueous releases
  • Municipal standards for releases into storm, combined or domestic sewer systems
  • Solid releases
  • Provincial legislation, regulations and directives on residual material management
  • Atmospheric releases
  • Air emission standards (provincial and municipal legislation, regulations and by-laws)

  • 11Environment Canada et ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs (2007). Criteria for Assessment of Sediment Quality in Quebec and Application Frameworks: Prevention, Dredging and Remediation. 41 pp.

    12Chevrier, A et P.A Topping (1998). Lignes directrices nationales relatives à la surveillance des lieux utilisés pour l'immersion en mer de déblais de dragage et d'excavation, Environnement Canada, Division du milieu marin, 29 pp.

    13CCME – Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (2003). Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines. 1,300 pp. ( link)

    14MENV (1999). Politique de protection des sols et de réhabilitation des terrains contaminés. Ministère de l’environnement du Québec, Service des lieux contaminés, Les Publications du Québec, 120 pp.

    15Règlement sur la qualité de l’eau potable.

    16Règlement sur la qualité de l’atmosphère.

    17MENV – Ministère de l’Environnement du Québec (2002). Critères de qualité de l’air – Fiches synthèses. Ministère de l’Environnement du Québec, Direction du suivi de l’état de l’environnement, May 2002, 271 pp.

    18Règlement sur la protection et la réhabilitation des terrains.

    19Règlement sur la qualité du milieu de travail.