Species at Risk Act
The Species at Risk Act, which came into force in June 2003, protects wildlife species at risk in Canada, including aquatic species, as well as their critical habitat. Under the Accord for the Protection of Species at Risk, the Government of Canada works with the provinces and territories to develop a common approach to protecting species at risk in Canada, including complementary laws and programs to protect habitats and recover species.
All environmental assessments carried out under a federal law such as the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act must record all species at risk listed under the Species at Risk Act or any critical habitat that may be affected by the project. If it is likely that a project will affect a listed species or its critical habitat, the Species at Risk Act requires that the competent minister(s) by virtue of this law be informed in writing without delay. Fisheries and Oceans Canada must receive a notice if the project affects aquatic species. For species, including aquatic species, and their critical habitats located in whole or in part on federal lands administered by Parks Canada, Parks Canada must be notified. For all other species, Environment Canada must be notified if the project affects a listed species or its critical habitat. Two notices may be required if the affected species falls under the jurisdiction of two departments or organizations.
When an environmental assessment is carried out for a project that may affect a listed species or its critical habitat, the Species at Risk Act also requires that the possible negative effects be determined and, if the project is implemented, that measures be taken to prevent or lessen the negative effects in addition to monitoring them. The Species at Risk Act also modifies the definition of “environmental effects” under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act to specify that these include any change that the project may cause to a species listed under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act, to the critical habitat of this species or the residence of an individual of the species.
For more information about the Species at Risk Act, please contact the Canadian Wildlife Service or visit the website on this subject.
Canadian Wildlife Service
801-1550, d'Estimauville
8th Floor
Quebec (Quebec) G1J 0C3
Telephone: 819-997-2800
Toll Free: 1-800-668-6767 (in Canada only)
Email: enviroinfo@ec.gc.ca
Website: http://www.registrelep-sararegistry.gc.ca/default_e.cfm